Welcome to my website. The site is mostly about programming and contains some of my programs and games I've written.
Site Updates
Another great review of eGraffiti
Appdigy.com has done an excellent review of eGraffiti for Android! Read it here: Appdigy Review |
eGraffiti now for android!
eGraffiti is now on android. Read a nice review of the app here: TechCookies Review |
eGraffiti is back online!
I have started up the server for my multplayer drawing applet, I wrote back in 2002, eGraffiti. Play it here: eGraffiti |
I've release a new android game Word Search Puzzle.
It has multiple puzzle sizes, word themes and scoreloop leaderboards. Market download link |
I've released a new android app, Stop Alarm
Stop Alarm uses your gps to notify you when your close to your destination. If your riding a train or bus and want to take a nap or play a game, Stop Alarm will let you know when you've arrived at your stop. Stop Alarm |
We're giving away the second episode of DagazEhwas Free!
You can get an unlock code to the second episode of our android game DagazEhwas for free, just by liking us on facebook or following us on twitter. The game itself is also free in the android market: DagazEhwas: Brick Basher |
We've released a new game for android, DagazEhwas
We've remade DagazEhwas for android, with all new graphics, new powerups and bricks. It also has a story to go along with the game, see the project page here |
I've released a new Android Game: Otto's Toy Chest
Check out my latest android game: Otto's Toy Chest, Project Page
Otto's Toy chest is a fun game where you are given toy animals that have been broken into pieces. Your job is to put them back together, but watch out for the fake pieces. |
I've started a new site for my Android development:
I've started developing android games with a partner who is doing the graphics. To showcase our work we've created a new site: XdebugX Games |
New article, Getting sound frequency data from microphone in real time
I've posted a new android tutorial on getting the frequency data from the microphone in real time. View it here |
Party Light gets over 50,000 downloads in the android market!
My android app, Part Light, has gotten over 50,000 downloads now, since Feb. Check it out on my Android Page |
I've made a new android app: TetraGomy
Check out my new android app, TetraGomy |
New Article: Developing Android Apps without Eclipse
I've added a new article, it explains how to develop Android Apps without Eclipse. View it here |
Android Games
I'm gonna start making android games. You can see a demo of my first project: Party Light for android phones. View it on youtube here: Party Light Android App Will be adding an android section to xdebugx.net soon! |
New applet: Daily Quotes
I've created a new applet that will display a different quote on your webpage each time it is viewed. Get it under the applets section! |
Old school Turbo Basic games
I've added a download for a collection of really old turbo basic games I wrote back in the 90's. Check out the programming page for the download, the games are compiled and the basic source code is also included. |
Articles section add to the site!
I've added a new section to this website. The articles section will include programming articles, tutorials and tips. |
hitCounter 2.2
The hit counter no longer uses a client/server tcp socket connection. This latest version uses php to update the hits and an applet to display them. |
Updated DagazEhwaz v1.5
I've added the ability to continue your game in DagazEhwaz. |
I've made a php server for my hit counter
Now for those of you who aren't able to run java applications on your webserver; Ive made a PHP version of the server. |
New Mobile Game - Rubix Redux
I've added a new totally free game for mobile devices - Rubix Redux. |
New phone game added.
I've added a new phone game/utility. It turns you phone into a Nightlight/Flashlight, Strobelight or Partylight. |
Added a ringtones page. They are completely free to download to your computer or phone. Will add them to the wap site soon! |
New Mobile Game - WordSearch 2.0
I've added a new version of Wordsearch. This version should fit almost any phone. It's available in our mobile games section. |
Hit Counter 2.0
Added a new version of HitCounter |
New Games
DagazEhwaz is now FREE! I've also added a package of mobile games called Classic MiniGames! 7 old school arcade and puzzle games to play on your phone. Go to wap.xdebugx.net to download them. |
WAP Site now online!
Hey. I just got the Wap site going. Now you can download games off your phone. The wap URL is: http://wap.xdebugx.net Keep in mind that those arent all the games we have. More to be added soon. Good luck, drop a comment. |
Welcome to my new site!
Hey! Welcome to my new website? What do you think? All comments are appreciated. Be sure to vote on the poll.  |
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